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Quantum Ideas Portal
Welcome to the FIS Treasury and Risk Manager - Quantum Edition Aha! Ideas Portal.

By visiting this portal, you will be able to contribute towards the evolution of the Quantum solution through interactions with other Quantum users, FIS trusted partners and FIS staff from around the world. Each Portal User receives 5 votes. Each user is allowed 1 vote per idea. Votes are reset when an idea is in a final state i.e. Shipped (delivered in the product).

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Showing 188 of 188

Introduce month-end cycling for prospective hedge effectiveness testing

AQT-79469 Request for month-end prospective hedge effectiveness testing. Currently it uses more of a day of month type cycling from one point to the next. As you encounter a shorter month, the cycling to the next point uses that day of month – so ...
Chris Hitch about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Approval for Instruments for IRS, CCS, UN, UNH and Futures and ETO

AQT-58178, AQT-76112 Approval for Instruments for IRS, CCS, UN, UNH and Futures and ETO Approval was added for most intruments under Q-306, this Idea logged for remaining types
Chris Hitch about 1 year ago in Strategic 0 Future consideration

Interest Rate Calculator: bootstrapped rates should be exportable/machine-readable

AQT-70234 - Covestro Deutschland AG Results from the Interest Rate Calculator, especially the bootstrapped rates, can only be copied/pasted, but not exported in any meaningful data format. Please make Excel export and an OData API available.
Chris Hitch over 2 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Add Business Day Conventions fields to Deals page or Refresh Option

Currently, the Business Day Conventions fields are available on MM/Sec deals page when the formula = Yield Periodic only. Client has requested these be made available for all Formulas The issue is when the deal was originally created, there was a ...
Joseph Louis over 3 years ago in Requests 1 Future consideration

Run Detail Match will run for all linked accounts even when filter = Unreconciled

If you specify the Reconciliation Status in the Query = Unreconciled, then the Run Query will bring back just unreconciled accounts. However, if you then Run Detail Match via the Page Menu, the query will run on all accounts irrespective if reconc...
Mark Zumbraegel about 1 year ago in Requests 0 Future consideration

Run Prior Day/Intra Day Match Process asynchronous on the server

Currently, the Prior and Intra Day Match process isn't run asynchronously on the server. That means if a user launches the match process and the session times out (for example, the user steps away), then the process fails. This mod would allow the...
Mark Zumbraegel about 1 year ago in Requests 0 Future consideration

Perform roll back on rate settings

The rollback function is NOT available for rate settings. The user considered that the process should be provided for rate settings as it can save work to perform the re-do tasks on confirmation, settlement, account reconciliation, accounting, etc...
Suzanne Cooke over 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Customize Cash Conentration / Suggested Transfers grid for analysis codes

Request from Allianz is to be able to customize the Cash Concentration / Suggested Transfers / Other Transfers grid view, by means of adding Bank Account Analysis codes.
Suzanne Cooke over 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Prior Day Match page - Improved user experience with large flows lists

Request is to enhance the user experience on Prior Day Match module. Enable deleting multiple cashflows at once. Under the Bank / Cash Flow views, make the headers visible at all times when scrolling down the list Enable screen resizing with large...
Suzanne Cooke over 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Split period calculation involving multiple WTAX RATEs within a single period

AQT-69074 Tax rates are applied on a cash basis within Quantum, in that a single WTAX RATE is applied against an INTEREST deal map item to calculate the WHT Gross Up. It is currently not possible to have a split period calculation involving multip...
Chris Hitch over 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration