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Quantum Ideas Portal
Welcome to the FIS Treasury and Risk Manager - Quantum Edition Aha! Ideas Portal.

By visiting this portal, you will be able to contribute towards the evolution of the Quantum solution through interactions with other Quantum users, FIS trusted partners and FIS staff from around the world. Each Portal User receives 5 votes. Each user is allowed 1 vote per idea. Votes are reset when an idea is in a final state i.e. Shipped (delivered in the product).

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Showing 40 of 188

Unwind an AC Deal

The specific user case DOW is using AC deals to amortize the OCI. if the underlying Debt deal terminates, they need an option to terminate the AC deal and release the balance to PnL. There are other use cases to support unwinding an AC deal as wel...
Mark Zumbraegel 11 months ago in Requests / Strategic 1 Likely to implement

HR realized gain loss entry support for Swaptions

For a hedge relationship deal where the Hedging instrument is Swaption, Quantum does not use the realized gain/loss entry from exercised swaption to book the release entry on the HR deal. instead it relies on the imported valuations on the maturit...
Mark Zumbraegel 10 months ago in Strategic 0 Likely to implement

Act/252 support for Bond Periodic - Brazil Market

Allow bond deals to use Act/252 day count which is the primary day count used in Brazil. Currently Act/252 is not available for Bond Periodic deals.
Mark Zumbraegel almost 4 years ago in Strategic 1 Unlikely to implement

Approval for Instruments for IRS, CCS, UN, UNH and Futures and ETO

AQT-58178, AQT-76112 Approval for Instruments for IRS, CCS, UN, UNH and Futures and ETO Approval was added for most intruments under Q-306, this Idea logged for remaining types
Chris Hitch about 1 year ago in Strategic 0 Future consideration

Facility: Data Source, EWF Actions & WebAPI support

Add a DataSource, EWF Actions and WebAPI support for Facility
Mark Zumbraegel over 1 year ago in Strategic 0 Likely to implement

IBOR - RFR support for unscheduled principal amortization/accreations

Whilst it is possible to add repayments or accretions on interest period end dates, we do not support these types of principal adjustments during the interest period. This would require either maintenance of a separate average rate calculation for...
Mark Zumbraegel almost 2 years ago in Strategic 1 Likely to implement

Settlement Splitter in Core Quantum

ES has a Settlement Splitter app which will split up a large payment (e.g. 1 billion) into two or more smaller payments so that they can be processed by SWIFT etc. This is done be creating a series of AC deals. Ideally this should be done in core ...
Chris Hitch over 6 years ago in Strategic 0 Future consideration

Different Commodity Fix price for each period

Currently, you can only specify one fix price for a CMS, which is then used for each period. Client wants the ability to specify a separate fix price for each period.
Mark Zumbraegel over 4 years ago in Strategic 0 Future consideration

Ability to change Discount % on Yield-CDI deal

Currently, when you create a Yield-CDI mm deal, you specify the Index Discount. This value is used for the entire life of the deal and cannot be changed at a future point in the life of the deal. The request is to provide the ability to change the...
Mark Zumbraegel over 2 years ago in Strategic 0 Likely to implement

RFR interest calc using Observation Period Days

A new interest calculation methodology is required that uses the Observation Period days instead of the Interest Period days to calculate the interest for SOFR transactions. This is required for FRNs, Yield Periodic and IRS deals. Specific languag...
Mark Zumbraegel almost 3 years ago in Strategic 0 Likely to implement