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Quantum Ideas Portal
Welcome to the FIS Treasury and Risk Manager - Quantum Edition Aha! Ideas Portal.

By visiting this portal, you will be able to contribute towards the evolution of the Quantum solution through interactions with other Quantum users, FIS trusted partners and FIS staff from around the world. Each Portal User receives 5 votes. Each user is allowed 1 vote per idea. Votes are reset when an idea is in a final state i.e. Shipped (delivered in the product).

Users will receive weekly email updates that highlight new activity. Users will receive emails for their created ideas when:

  • Status changes

  • Comment changes

Be aware that when you post content, other community members will see your name. FIS is not responsible for content posted by other Aha! Ideas Portal Users.



Showing 3

Ability to perform Cash Transfer within the same Bank Account

The request is to support a Cash Transfer within the same Bank Account but between two different Entities. Currently, Qt does not allow this and if you attempt it you will receive the following validation message. The Source and Destination Accoun...
Mark Zumbraegel almost 2 years ago in Tactical 0 Likely to implement

Cryptocurrency Support in Qt & Analytics

Currently, Qt & Analytics do not support FX trades using cryptocurrencies, mostly due to the fact the most are traded with exchange rates out to 19 decimal places and amount fields out to 32 decimal places. We also need the ability to delivery...
Mark Zumbraegel over 4 years ago in Strategic 1 Likely to implement

Include BankRec/CashXplorer Query and View in Package

Provide JSON Export & Import below modules and also include it in package. Cash Explorer Query and View Detail Match Script Chain Script Balance Match Script
Mark Zumbraegel almost 2 years ago in Strategic 0 Likely to implement