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Hi there,
I reached out to one of our Dev Architects, and he provided the following:
"It is not feasible to set this up in Quantum due to technical challenges. Typically, Reverse Proxies are in place, so the addresses would pertain to these instead. Other headers can be used, but they depend on the configuration of the proxies, which we do not control.
Requests made over a different network segment would also retrieve the router's information. Therefore, it would not be reliable for us to use this method.
If there are concerns about logins from untrusted sources, it is best to address them through how the product (Quantum) is exposed over the internet/intranet rather than within it. For instance, restricting access at the internet level is usually managed by Hosting (if hosted) or by the client's own IT department if on-premise."
Based on the above, the status will be changed to "Will not implement". Please reach out if you have any other questions on this.
Regards, Mark