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The workaround you have proposed does not meet the requirement set out in the idea. The requirement is to enable the user to run the GL Interface query for specific deal parameters, for example, if they had an ad hoc requirement to export the accounting for only 'SI: Interest Rate Swap' deals. This is a valid scenario for us, if we are unwinding positions. The accounting for all other Transaction Types would be exported by the next AG Scheduler run of the query.
The use of the GL Interface Mapping settings to DO NOT INTERFACE specific accounts, instruments, etc. means we would need to exclude ALL other Transaction Types for this ad hoc requirement, which is not practical. The use of DTL filters the contents of the export file, but this does not meet the requirement set out above.
The GL Interface Mapping does allow specific Transaction Types / Instruments to be excluded from the Interface File by selecting ‘DO NOT INTERFACE’ on the Debit Account selection and Credit Account selection. This would be a static setting so apply to all Interface Runs using that mapping. The excluded items would be marked to never be interfaced.
If you are Interfacing using a Data Transfer Location to output a File, then you could include validation to exclude specific items within the Template definition (that defines the format of the output file). Once the File has been generated for that Interface Run, it would not be possible to later initiate a new Interface run to pick up the excluded items.