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Created by Krisztina Negret
Created on Jun 6, 2024

EWF Report with Action Error reporting in Scheduler for situation 'No items to action'

Client has several custom solutions developed using a combination of EWF Report which is calling EWF Action on the items that the report queried. These are for example accounting related solutions which list GL entries and allow to use action to then generate additional GL journals to rebook entries from one account to another. These solutions are scheduled as part of Scheduler 'Accounting EOD' job.

The EWF solution can end up in

  1. Success - if report fetched x number of records and action was successfully executed on each of the records...

  2. Failure

    1. if report failed to run

    2. if report ran correctly, fetched x number of records and then action on these records failed on some records

    3. if report ran correctly, but there were 0 records returned - in this case system will report error message 'No items to action' and report the task as Failure

It is a normal situation that on some days under scenario 2.3. there will be no records listed by EWF report and hence no action is expected as there is no records to run the action on. We would like to treat situation 2.3. as 'Success' or 'No action' in Scheduler, not as 'Failure'.

The expected scenario is that if a task in Accounting EOD ends up on 'Success' or 'No action' then we want the job to proceed on to the next task. And if a task ends in 'Failure' we want to stop the job processing and alert users of failure in EOD...

However, due to behavior 2.3., we are not able to achieve the above expected scenario as it frequently happens that EWF solution has no items to action, but instead of moving on it will report Failure. In fact we only want to report failure in cases 2.1 and 2.2 i.e. if the report run or action run actually failed for some reason.

To allow Accounting EOD to run and proceed to next tasks, we had to setup all EWF processes / tasks as In case of Failure=Proceed to next task, to workaround scenario 2.3. The downside of this is that even under real failures (2.1., 2.2) the job proceeds to next tasks. We need a solution to not interpret task result 2.3. as Failure but rather as Success or as No action in Scheduler please.

Example in attachment.

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