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Quantum Ideas Portal
Welcome to the FIS Treasury and Risk Manager - Quantum Edition Aha! Ideas Portal.

By visiting this portal, you will be able to contribute towards the evolution of the Quantum solution through interactions with other Quantum users, FIS trusted partners and FIS staff from around the world. Each Portal User receives 5 votes. Each user is allowed 1 vote per idea. Votes are reset when an idea is in a final state i.e. Shipped (delivered in the product).

Users will receive weekly email updates that highlight new activity. Users will receive emails for their created ideas when:

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  • Comment changes

Be aware that when you post content, other community members will see your name. FIS is not responsible for content posted by other Aha! Ideas Portal Users.


Cash Management

Showing 5

CashXplorer searchability & results on one page

Include a search bar to query CashXplorer results. Provide an option (ideally in the Properties tab) to include more than 100 line items per page (i.e. 100, 250, 500, 1000, ALL). Would also be nice to have infinite scroll.
Carlo Spagnuolo 5 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Run Detail Match will run for all linked accounts even when filter = Unreconciled

If you specify the Reconciliation Status in the Query = Unreconciled, then the Run Query will bring back just unreconciled accounts. However, if you then Run Detail Match via the Page Menu, the query will run on all accounts irrespective if reconc...
Mark Zumbraegel about 1 year ago in Requests 0 Future consideration

Run Prior Day/Intra Day Match Process asynchronous on the server

Currently, the Prior and Intra Day Match process isn't run asynchronously on the server. That means if a user launches the match process and the session times out (for example, the user steps away), then the process fails. This mod would allow the...
Mark Zumbraegel about 1 year ago in Requests 0 Future consideration

Bank import monitoring needs to record automatch_datetime_start, intraday and automatch_server

During my recent workshop at client aimed at working though bank rec issues and performance items we found that the current monitoring we have is not sufficient. We had to extend this with the use of a trigger. Afterwards we could easily locate pr...
Suzanne Cooke about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

View/Run User Group security on Public Reports

Currently you can save the reports as only Private or Public. In case of Public all users can access them. We would like 3rd option to be able to share the reports with only specific User groups as defined in security setupCurrently you make the r...
Mark Zumbraegel over 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration